A Step-By-Step Guide to Install Python in Windows Easily!

How to Install Python in Windows

Python is easily installed and used on Windows 10. There are only three simple stages to the installation process:

Python’s official executable installer can be found on the Python website and downloaded there. The next step is to launch this installer and follow the on-screen instructions to finish setting up the software.

Now that you know how to set up the PATH environment variable, you may use python from the command line. Pick the Python release that best suits your needs. At the time of this article’s publication, the most recent stable release of Python is 3.7.

Step 1: Download the Python Installer Binaries

Step 2: Run the Executable Installer

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Follow The Instructions In Step 8.

Step 3: Add Python to Environmental Variables

Adding Python Path to the System Environment variables is the final (optional) step in the installation process. This is done so that Python can be accessed via the command line. You can skip this if you set the Advanced options after installation and added Python to the environment variables there. If not, the following is the manual procedure.

Look for “advanced system settings” in the Start menu. Choose “Show in-depth device settings.” Navigate to the “System Properties” window and select the “Advanced” tab to access the “Environment Variables” button. Seek for the folder where Python was put on your computer. Following the preceding instructions to the letter should result in the installation of Python in the following places:

If you installed a different version of Python, the folder name might not be “Python37-32.” Try opening a Python-named folder. To the PATH variable, append the items indicated below.

Step 4: Verify the Python Installation

Congratulations, Python 3.7.3 for Windows 10 is now installed and running properly on your computer. Both the command line and the IDLE software, which is installed with Python, can be used to check if the installation was successful. Finding the command prompt and entering “python” will get you started. Clearly, Python 3.7.3 was downloaded and installed without any problems.

You can also find Python by searching for it in the Windows Start menu and then selecting the resulting IDLE program (Python 3.7 64-bit). Python’s IDE makes it easy to create your first programs (IDLE). Hurray! You can now begin creating Python apps on your Windows 10 machine.

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Step 5 − Verify Pip Was Installed

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