New Delhi, Amazon released its new 5th Generation Echo Dot smart speaker in India on Thursday. It has better sound, Ultrasound Motion Detection, a temperature sensor, and tap motion controls.

The company says that the new Echo Dot comes in three colors: black, blue, and white. It can be bought from March 2–4 at major online and offline stores for an introductory price of Rs 4,999.

We have now made the smart speaker sound better and added sensors that can identify motion and temperature. In a statement, Parag Gupta, Director and Country Manager for Amazon Devices India, said, “Customers can use new features to create a truly ambient experience where technology just fades into the background, like walking into a room and it lights up as if by magic.”

Amazon launches new 5th-generation Echo Dot for $50

The company also said that the 5th Generation Echo Dot has clearer sounds and up to twice as much bass as its predecessors.

It also has an accelerometer that lets users control it with tap gestures. This means that users can just tap the top of the device to stop and play music, dismiss timers, or end calls between Alexa devices.

With Ultrasound Motion Detection built in, users can set up smart home tasks like having Alexa turn on compatible lights or play music when they walk into a room.
Also, the new Echo Dot has a built-in temperature sensor that can measure the temperature of the room.

With this feature, users can set up helpful habits, like having their compatible AC turn on when it gets too hot or off when it gets too cold.

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