Season 5 of Snowfall: The critically acclaimed crime drama, premieres on television on February 23 and follows Franklin Saint as he continues his investigation into the world of crack cocaine distribution. While Snowfall has been on the air for nearly five years, it has been widely praised by both critics and the general public for its accurate depiction of Los Angeles in the 1980s and the gripping performance of Damson Idris as Saint. Just in case, here’s everything you need to know before diving headfirst into Season 5 of the neon-laced City of Angels.

About Snowfall

When it first premiered in 2017, you may not be familiar with Snowfall, a drama that centers on the struggles of a young man living in the rough neighborhoods of South Central Los Angeles. The drug trade in Los Angeles eventually draws Saint in, where he works his way up the ranks and learns about the perils of his profession. CIA operative Teddy McDonald and ex-luchador Gustavo “El Oso” Zapata, both of whom become involved in the criminal enterprise, also play important roles in the show.

However, if you’re just getting started, this summary should give you a good idea of what to expect from a show that sees its characters grow and change dramatically over the course of several seasons.

Is Season 5 of Snowfall Available to Stream?

Watch snowfall season 5 Online
snowfall season 5

The answer is “yes,” but there’s a small caveat. If you want to catch Snowfall as soon as it airs, you’ll have to do so via cable. Most likely, this is due to FX’s reluctance to enter the streaming market exclusively. It’s possible that the showrunners want to involve their audience in the 1980s as much as possible.

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Streamers, on the other hand, shouldn’t have to wait too long to get their hands on the latest episode. Hulu will begin streaming new episodes of Snowfall the day after they air on cable. It’s also worth noting that the series can be watched with just a basic Hulu membership and no additional Hulu extensions.

What time does snowfall Season 5 come on Hulu

As previously announced, the very first two episodes of FX’s upcoming fifth season will air on February 23rd at 10:00 PM Pacific Time. New episodes are scheduled to air on Wednesdays at the very same time until about the season finale on April 20. Hulu subscribers, on the other hand, will have to wait until the following Thursday before they can begin watching the show.

Will There Be a Snowfall Season 6?

snowfall season 6 release date

FX has not yet announced whether Snowfall will be renewed or cancelled. Although the show’s ratings have risen steadily over its five-year run, it’s unlikely the show will be cancelled suddenly. Season 4 ended with a renewal announcement right around the midpoint of Season 4, so fans could hear about a new season announcement at any time now.

Snowfall FX Shows Alternative

Fans of Snowfall may be interested in other FX shows that are available on Hulu because of their shared themes and aesthetics. Among them:

Seasons 1 through 4 of Fargo (2014-2022) feature an ensemble cast of A-list actors and provide a more comedic and satirical look at crime. The show cleverly expands on the world of the Oscar-winning film by telling a different dryly humorous crime caper each season.

‘Sons of Anarchy’ (2008-2014) is a gripping crime drama with a noir twist that follows the titular gang of bikers as they prosper in the illegal arms business. Snowfall is the anti-Snowfall because of the anti-drug sentiment among the bikers, but Charlie Hunnam’s protagonist is similar to Saint in that he tries to balance his everyday life with an illegal but lucrative profession.

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A corrupt LAPD Captain’s life and times are the focus of The Shield (2002-2008), a show that paved the way for FX’s rise to fame and helped the network become a household name. Since its themes are still relevant in today’s society, it is still regarded as a groundbreaking series that has stood the test of time.

Watch the Snowfall Season 5 Trailer

If you can’t wait for Season 5, you can check out the Season 5 trailer above to get a taste of what’s to come for Franklin and friends.

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