Jack Altman, Sam’s older brother, recently posted on Twitter about how his sibling’s profile is “uncharted territory.” I’m relieved that Sam is finally being covered. I think he’s up to something interesting, so I hope a reporter takes an interest in him soon. Unknown territory, he wrote.

According to a New Yorker profile, Sam’s interest in technology began at a young age, and he began teaching himself to code when he was just eight years old. This 2016 article gives us a glimpse into the life of the company’s young CEO. It also talks about how Sam Altman “preps for survival” by stockpiling weapons, gold, water, and other supplies in case the world ends.

St. Louis, Missouri, was home for young Sam Altman. He learned to code a Macintosh, which The New Yorker calls his “lifeline in the world,” when he was only eight years old.

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As he continued his interview with the magazine, he said, “Growing up gay in the Midwest in the two thousand was not the most awesome thing. The discovery of AOL chat rooms completely changed my life. Keep your mouth shut if you’re eleven or twelve years old.

Following his time at MIT, Sam enrolled at Stanford University to earn a degree in computer science. But he and his two buddies dropped out of school and went to work on an app called Loopt, which allowed users to broadcast their location to their friends. The owners sold the business in 2012 for USD $43 million.

After establishing Loopt, Altman established another venture capital firm, Hydrazine Capital. In 2014, he succeeded Paul Graham as president of the venture capital firm Y Combinator (YC), where he had previously worked. The company, which began operations in 2005, has since served as a springboard for other startups like AirBnB, Reddit, Quora, and Twitch.

Also Read: OpenAI CEO Sam Altman loves that ChatGPT means he doesn’t have to read the whole article anymore

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