The OnePlus Pad tablet will be released on February 7, 2023, at the Cloud 11 event in India, as confirmed by OnePlus. The start time is 7:30 PM IST on the evening of the event in Delhi. The tablet is also featured on the Cloud 11 microsite the company recently launched. The green colorway features the logo on the back. The renders of the tablet, which were leaked by a credible source, suggest that it will feature a metal body design, thin symmetric bezels, and a front-facing camera.

For nearly a year, reports about the OnePlus Pad circulated, but the company never made an official announcement. A brand owned by BBK Electronics, it has only just announced its intention to enter the Android tablet market. “Boxes come in all shapes and sizes,” the caption for the OnePlus Pad’s listing on the official page for the company’s Cloud 11 event, reads. Although details are scarce, this tablet will be OnePlus’ first Android device.

At the same time as the launch, major smartphone OEMs are expanding their tablet offerings in the country. Xiaomi, Realme, Motorola, Nokia, and OPPO were all noteworthy newcomers to the Indian tablet market in 2018. Furthermore, OnePlus seems to be joining the fight at this point.

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Details on the OnePlus Tablet (Expected)

Details on the OnePlus Tablet (Expected)

OnePlus has only released a single image of the tablet, highlighting its colour scheme and design, but has not provided any details about the tablet’s hardware. The tablet, according to the leak, will only have one camera on the back, and it will have an LED flash. Launching alongside the OnePlus 11 series of smartphones, it will take place in India at the Cloud 11 event. Also, some rumours have suggested that the upcoming tablet will have an 11.6-inch screen.

The upcoming tablet from OnePlus, codenamed “Aries,” has reportedly begun testing in India. In addition, the tablet is said to have a Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 SoC, 6GB of RAM, and 128GB of internal storage, according to rumours. Yet, official word from the company regarding the forthcoming tablet remains elusive.

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