Christopher Keyser created and executive-produced the mystery teen drama The Society, which premiered on Netflix on May 10th, 2019. In the series are Kathryn Newton, Sean Berdy, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Alex Fitzalan, Kristine Froseth, Jose Julian, Alexander MacNicoll, Toby Wallace, and Rachel Keller. Though its run had been extended for a second season, the COVID-19 pandemic forced its cancellation after just one.

Is ‘The Society’ Season 2 coming back in 2022?

With comparisons to Lord of the Flies, Netflix’s original series The Society was a huge hit with subscribers when it premiered in 2019. Season 2 of sci-fi mystery thriller The Society was eagerly awaited by fans of the first season, who wondered when it would be available on Netflix.

The much-anticipated next chapter will be released sometime in late 2020, according to a report by Deadline in April 2020, which revealed that Netflix had extended the series for another season.

However, Netflix informed The Hollywood Reporter that The Society season 2 would not be produced due to the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Despite Netflix’s satisfaction with The Society’s performance, scheduling uncertainties and cost increases to meet the standards for COVID-19 safety protocols, among other factors, prompted the network to cancel the show, according to THR.

“We’ve made the difficult decision not to move forward with second seasons of The Society, and I Am Not Okay With This,” Netflix told Deadline.

The Society’s Season 2 Release Date 2022

The Society, Netflix’s upcoming sci-fi series, has been canceled. Netflix should reconsider bringing back some of the shows it had to cancel during the crisis once things have returned to normal, hopefully not permanently.

Even so, the chances of this happening are slim. Now that the ninth season of Dexter is on its way, many people would have laughed at the idea just a few weeks ago.

The Society season 2 cast: Who’s returning?

The Society’s second season cast, including Allie’s Kathryn Newton, was expected to return. Jacques Colimon, Toby Wallace, Gideon Adlon, Sean Berdy, Alex Fitzalan, Kristine Froseth, and Natasha Liu Bordizzo are all expected to return for the Netflix original series’ second season. Actress Olivia Nikkanen, best known for playing Gwen, has been promoted to a series regular.

The Society Season 2 Cast

Seth Meriwether’s character Dewey murdered Cassandra, and Dewey was later hanged for the same crime, so their chances of being involved in season 2 of The Society were slim to nonexistent. Everything is possible in the Netflix original’s universe because it is based on parallel realities.

For now, fans can only speculate about what might have happened if The Society season 2 had been made a reality on Netflix because the show has been shut down by the streaming service.

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What Would Have Happened in ‘The Society’ Season 2?

However, considering where the storey left off, it’s easy to envision the storey taking fans if Netflix had decided to continue with The Society. There was no official description for The Society season 2 before its cancellation.

Late in the game, the students realized they were in a different reality than the one they had just left. A monument honoring the fallen young adults offered a glimpse of the realm without the children and young adults it once housed.

Season 2 of The Society seemed to be centered around three main themes. It’s time to find out why they had to travel through time and space, how the missing children will be reunited, and what steps West Ham is taking to find out what has happened to them.
However, for the time being, fans can only watch the first season on Netflix to see how things turn out.

The Society Season 2 Official Trailer

The Society season 2 has yet to receive a trailer, and given the show’s dismal ratings, it’s safe to assume that one won’t be forthcoming. It’s possible that Netflix’s popular series will return for a second season in the future.

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