Keep in mind that the content you create is for the people who will be reading it, not for you. When individuals and businesses alike create content, they frequently do so without giving any consideration to the issues that need to be resolved for their intended audience. Content has the potential to be shared when it serves a purpose, when it is genuine, and when it is helpful.

Treat content that is “always on” as though it were a streaming show.

In-house and contracted studios alike need to move away from the practise of having writer and art director brainstorms for impact and toward the concept of operating “always on” content in the same manner as they would a streaming television show in order to improve shareability. Create a content calendar for yourself that includes cultural and organic product news, as well as streams pertaining to influencers and seasons. After that, staff it as if it were a show. Social marketing does not consist of running around and resizing JPEGs.

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Use Headlines Indicating the Arrival of Something New to Either Love or Hate

Use Headlines Indicating the Arrival of Something New to Either Love or Hate

For the past eight years, I have worked as the lead digital strategist for one of the largest global media companies in the world, and during that time, I have developed a competitive intelligence engine that monitors every aspect of the social media activity of their 30 largest competitors. The most important thing to remember is to write headlines that give the impression that the audience will learn something new that they will either like or dislike.

Make Use Of Influencers And Storytelling In Your Marketing

People are more likely to trust other people than they are brands, particularly those who share their interests. Beyond that, the content that is most likely to be shared is that which tells a story. Introduce a difficulty, spend some time discussing it, and then wrap things up by offering a solution. When people read posts that tell stories, they are more likely to connect with the content, and when people connect with content, they are more likely to share it.

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Offer Instruction Regarding a Current Controversy

Deliver informative content to your audience concerning a topic that is currently trending and that they are interested in. On International Women’s Day, for instance, you could offer them advice on how to successfully manage a business or how to bring up confident daughters. The topics being discussed are currently popular, and while you are speaking directly to the issue at hand, the advice you offer comes from your own unique point of view. It is effective.

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Make Use Of Engaging Visuals While Keeping Your Posts Brief

To create content that is highly shareable, my number one piece of advice is to use vivid visuals and to keep the posts themselves brief. These are essential to boosting engagement and motivating the creation of content that can be shared. Your content has a lower chance of being shared or promoted by algorithms if it is overly lengthy or does not have an appealing visual presentation.

Try to Keep It Relevant

Try to Keep It Relevant

People are more likely to click the “share” button or send it to their friends if the content is relevant to their lives. People will always enjoy a brand that understands their everyday lives and the struggles they face, regardless of how funny, dramatic, or provocative the brand may be.

Make Use Of The Power That Trends Have To Offer

Sometimes the subject matter is more important than the form that it takes to express it. There is no question in my mind that the quality should be very good. On the other hand, if you are successful in catching that wave, you should be able to ride it. It can be adapted to work for virtually every social media platform out there with just a few minor changes.

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Ensure that your hook, graphic, and call to action are all compelling.

A compelling call to action, an attention-grabbing graphic, and relevant hooks are the three components that make for highly shareable content. The best part about content creation is that you can transform a single piece of meaty content, such as an article or a white paper, into a variety of other shareable bits, such as a social media listicle, an Instagram explainer reel, or a catchy TikTok. This is one of the many advantages of content creation. Always be creating content for each of your channels.

Strive to Make People Laugh

 Research has shown that the most common reason people share content on social media is to amuse their contacts. If you choose the right meme to share, it will go viral much more quickly and easily than an infographic that you spent hours perfecting. If you’re having trouble believing me, open up your Facebook feed and take a look at the posts that have the most shares. Begin by amusing people, and once you’ve got their attention, move on to the serious part of the conversation.

Also read: Thank You For Appearing Out Of Nowhere, Hi-Fi Rush.

How to Create Consistent Content on Social Media (100 posts in 30 days!)
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