Hilda is an animated television series based on Luke Pearson’s graphic novel series of the same name. The series, which is produced by Silvergate Media and Mercury Filmworks, chronicles the adventures of brave Hilda, an 11-year-old blue-haired girl who goes to Trolberg with her deer fox Twig, where she meets even the most frightening beasts.

The Netflix miniseries premiered on September 21, 2018, to critical praise. On October 8, 2018, the series was renewed for a second season due to the positive response. On February 25, 2018, the first two episodes had their international premiere at the New York International Children’s Film Festival. On December 14, 2020, the second season was launched, and on December 30, 2021, a feature titled Hilda and the Mountain King aired on Netflix.

The show is known for winning Annie Awards for “Best Children’s Series” twice in two years, as well as Emmy Awards for “Outstanding Main Title Sequence,” “Outstanding Children’s TV Series,” and “Outstanding Editing in a Daytime Program,” the latter of which it shares with the Hulu animated series Animaniacs. Silvergate Media announced on November 19, 2021, that the show has been renewed for a third and final season.

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When Will Hilda Season 3 Be Released?

Even months after the release of season 2, there is still no announced release date for Hilda season 3. Even worse, fans who were looking for a yearly release schedule will most certainly be disappointed. Though Hilda’s second season was announced soon after the first, it did not premiere until 2020, two years after the first. This means that, even if Hilda season 3 is set to be released shortly, we won’t see it until a significant amount of time has gone.

Fans will have to rely on the soon-to-be-released movie special and graphic novels to get their Hilda fix until then.

Of course, there’s a chance Hilda will be released much sooner than predicted by Netflix. However, until the streaming behemoth makes a formal announcement, the series’ fans will likely remain in the dark.

Who Will Be in The Third Season of Hilda’s Cast?

We can almost certainly expect to see all of Hilda’s main characters return in the third season, assuming it ever airs. This, of course, includes a return of Bella Ramsay, who plays Hilda herself. Similarly, betting on the remainder of the show’s big cast members’ returns is quite safe. Frida and David, Hilda’s companions, will almost certainly be played by their usual performers, Ameerah Falzon-Ojo and Oliver Nelson, respectively.

Hilda Season 3

At the same time, Daisy Haggard and Rasmus Hardiker will reprise their roles as Hilda’s mother, Johanna, and Alfur the elf, respectively. Finally, if the recurrent characters from Season 2 become mainstays of the cast, we can expect to see John Hopkins and Lucy Montgomery, as well as Erik and Gerda, return.

The only question in this situation is if Hilda’s season 3 will include any new characters. If that’s the case, expect a slew of new voice performers to join the fray. We won’t know anything until Netflix reveals fresh information, just like we won’t know anything about season 3’s release date.

What Will Hilda’s Third Season’s Plot Be Like?

Hilda season 2 ended on a cliffhanger, so fans were left hanging. According to TheCinemaholic, Hilda’s mother discovers that her daughter has been replaced by a little troll named Baba after escaping a troll-infested woodland. Meanwhile, Hilda is trapped in the body of a troll in the troll forest. It’s unclear whether this sequence of events has anything to do with the planned Hilda film, but it could explain why Netflix has been quiet about season 3.

Hilda Season 3

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Aside from that, there’s really little indication of what Hilda season 3 might bring. However, the bright side is that it may turn out to be anything. Hilda is all about discovering the unknowns of a mystical and magical world. In a strange way, this justifies the complete lack of information about Season 3. Finally, the mystery may be the most enjoyable aspect of it.


Hilda is an 11-year-old girl who grew up in a cottage on the outskirts of the woods near the walled-in city of Trolberg with her mother. Throughout the book, she and her deer fox Twig, later joined by an elf named Alfur and pals David and Frida, embark on a multitude of adventures, engaging with and befriending the enigmatic animals, humans, and spirits that live in and around Stolberg.


Luke Pearson had previously worked in the animation industry as a storyboarder on several episodes of Adventure Time. He never seriously considered an animated adaptation of the Hilda books early on in the series, though he did have some ideas about how the character could work in animation even before he started working on the first comic.

hilda season 3

A few production companies had expressed interest in developing a Hilda adaptation before being approached by Silvergate, but nothing had been agreed upon. Pearson believed that the other concepts twisted the idea of what the Hilda series should be and that they seemed off, leaving simply the outside shell of the idea and modifying other basic things.

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Kurt Mueller, a Silvergate producer, discovered Hildafolk, the first book in the Hilda series, in a Brooklyn indie bookstore in 2014. Silvergate producers were enthralled by the book and wanted to adapt it for television.

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