WhatsApp, the popular messaging app, has recently announced the addition of new video calling features for its Windows and Mac users. The update, which was rolled out on June 2024, is aimed at enhancing the overall user experience and providing a smoother video calling experience.

With people relying heavily on virtual communication due to the ongoing pandemic, video calls have become an essential tool for staying connected with friends and family. Keeping this in mind, WhatsApp has introduced several new features to cater to the increasing demand for high-quality video calls.

Some of the key highlights of the new video calling feature include:

  • Increased number of participants: WhatsApp has increased the maximum number of participants for a group video call from 4 to 8. This allows users to have a larger gathering virtually and stay connected with more people at once.
  • Full-screen mode: The update also brings in a full-screen mode, making it easier for users to focus on their video calls without any distractions.
  • Improved call quality: With the introduction of low-light mode, WhatsApp has enhanced the overall call quality even in dimly lit environments. This feature uses AI technology to adjust the brightness and contrast of the caller’s face, resulting in a clearer and sharper image.
  • Group call ringtone: The new update also includes a specific ringtone for group calls, making it easier to differentiate between individual and group calls.

Furthermore, users can now also switch between voice and video calls seamlessly during an ongoing call. This feature eliminates the need to end the current call and start a new one for switching modes.

WhatsApp has always been known for its user-friendly interface and constant updates that cater to the changing needs of its users. With over 2 billion active users globally, this latest update is sure to be welcomed by WhatsApp’s loyal customer base.

For more post check Gadget Grapevine.

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