One annoyance, as most people would agree, is the way in which WhatsApp compresses images before sending them, significantly lowering the quality of the images in the process. But this is going to change in the near future, and it looks like we might finally be able to send and receive photos in high quality through WhatsApp. The specifics are as follows:

According to a screenshot that was provided, there will soon be a new settings option within the editing and drawing section that is available when a photo or video is being sent. With the help of this brand-new option, you will be able to send photographs without having to compromise on the quality of the images or compress them.

Prior to this, WhatsApp introduced the option to send images in three different modes: Automatic, Best Quality, and Data Saver. However, none of these modes significantly alter the image quality in any way. People will benefit tremendously from the sharing of photos in their original quality, and there will no longer be a need to share photos using email or any other platform.

One thing to keep in mind is that development on this feature is not yet complete, and it is unknown when it will become available to users in either the beta or stable environments. If and when this occurs, it is highly likely that iOS users will also experience the issue. Once things have been finalised, we will be sure to keep you updated on this test.

Also Read: These iPhones and Samsung Devices Will Soon Stop Working With WhatsApp

Things to keep in mind while sharing!

Things to keep in mind while sharing!

Sending photos on WhatsApp in their original quality may sound like a great idea, but there is a storage-related issue that needs to be addressed if you do not want your phone to run out of storage space in a short amount of time. When compared to photos saved in their original quality, those that have been compressed take up significantly less space.

The image may be compressed by as much as 70 percent by the messaging app so that it can be sent to users in a shorter amount of time. Since it is possible to send images of the original quality from one app to another, there is a good chance that the recipient’s phone will run out of storage space soon.

Make sure that the media auto-download feature in WhatsApp is turned off to prevent this from happening. This stops the pictures from being automatically downloaded to the phone whenever it connects to the internet. If you want to download photos, you are in charge of the process rather than the website.

It has been rumoured that WhatsApp is also working on a status update for voice notes. Users will be able to both record and share voice notes within the Status section.

Also Read: How To Logout From WhatsApp in Android: The Complete Guide!

Concerns Regarding Storage

Concerns Regarding Storage

If Whatsapp moves forward with the update, there is a possibility that users will experience storage-related issues. At the moment, WhatsApp reduces the size of an image by up to 70 percent so that it can be sent to the recipient in a shorter amount of time.

When compared to photos saved in their original quality, those that have been compressed take up significantly less space. In the event that a WhatsApp user is able to send a photo in its original quality, the recipient runs the risk of running out of storage space on their mobile device.

It is recommended that the media auto-download feature in WhatsApp be turned off in order to avoid this issue. Because of this change, the app will no longer automatically download high-resolution versions of photos by default.

Whatsapp introduces Accidental Delete feature: Here's how to use it
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